"We have to love until it hurts. It is not enough to say, I love." We must put that love into a living action, and how do we do that? By giving until it hurts." Mother Teresa

Friday, June 3, 2011


8 more days before my summer starts. I feel like we are the only school in the city still in session. It is exhausting, especially with the heat and not having A/C at work, and the kids just being ready to be done. I couldn't agree more.

I have been slacking in just about everything. I haven't been working out like at all, but I just signed up for a class so that will motivate me. I also haven't been reading. I don't remember the last name of the book I read. I will start and then just leave the book in the middle of it. I know... I am restarting "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." I start and stopped it about 5 times last summer. Then I found some books that I am on the wait list for at the library, "The Redbreast" and "The Snowman." Both are serial killer books by Jo Nesbo. I have never heard of this author, and a friend of mine did some digging and he has published a series. Of course the Indianapolis Public Library only has the two I have requested. I am number 8 on the list for "The Redbreast" and 65 for "the Snowman." That gives me a lot of time to start and stop the Stieg Larsson book.

Where I have been lacking in working out and reading I have been making up in the kitchen. I have tried a couple new recipes for different salsas, and made some classic standbys. I made various quesadillas, which I really have not had since college, and many salads. I LOVE adding fruits to my salad. I have lots of recipes earmarked for my down time-most of them being of the dessert variety.

I never now how to end a blog. Do I need some sort of sign off???

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